Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Paper

For the first part of the project you will be divided into groups of five, each person focusing their reasearch on one of these five categories: Emperors, Social Order, Life in Roman Times, Enemies and Rebels, and Religion. You will spend about 3 to 4 hours on the computer during class time to research your category. Once you have gathered your information, eahc person will present their facts to their group and all of you will discuss what comparisons and contrasts you can find between the Roman mnpire and the United states. After each memeber has presented their informationto the group, each student will write a 3 to 4 page paper. You will compare and contrast the Roman Empire from the United States in the five categories researched.

On the day that the paper is due, the class as a whole will talk about what they found to be similar and different between the Roman Empire and the United States.

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